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"You can't run away from trouble, there ain't no place that far"


Monday, October 10, 2011

always fun

It's always fun when family comes!

When there is a hint that family may be coming to visit from out of town, my kids start texting cousins right away to make plans when they are here.   The adults just chat briefly on the phone making no plans except saying we are all free and will figure something out when everyone is here.   It always seems to work out that way, and we always seem to have fun.

This last weekend we had a fun visit from Ethan and Shannon and their 4 really missed kids.

We all have kids spending the night at each others homes.   
We (the parents) are lucky enough to have kids old enough that they figure out where they will be staying, we just provide the roof and the food and the kids provide the fun. 
I scored with just having Wyatt, and his 2 cousins spend the night at my house.   The stayed up late and woke up early. 
They wanted to go on an early morning hike.

Cold pizza in hand and they went off to explore the San Tan mountains.  When Thayne and I picked them up a few hours later, we got a show and tell.  I didn't get pictures, but when Wyatt opened his backpack we got a nice surprise.   A tarantula!  You are probably thinking what I was thinking...
"they caught the sucker and brought it home?"
Why yes they did. Wyatt got home and put it in an empty aquarium and was happy to have a new pet.  Only it died the next day.  I think someone (wyatt) needs to learn how to keep them as a pet before he tries it again. 
PHEWWWWWW!  Glad the lil guy is gone!

What is more fun than having family visit then to take a
Football Break!

and the family tagged along...

Congrats to the Eagles on a fall break win.
Playing with only 16 boys makes for tired football players.


Teenagers headed for a party and a dance.  (no pics)
Little kids stayed home to play and watch movies.

Now my favorite part is.....
The adults went to dinner and ice cream!!!!

I think it's funny that Rachel asked the owner of the restaurant to stand on a chair to take our pics because it looks better.
Fun family weekend and always sad to see them go home.


Shannon said...

Thanks for the fun times - it was a great trip and well needed.

Rachel said...

SO fun. Great memories. I need to post some pics.