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"You can't run away from trouble, there ain't no place that far"


Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Oh the pain

I've been a slug!

Am I the only that is mentally ready to do projects when my body is not able, and physically ready to do projects when I'm mentally not wanting to do projects?

That is my life right now. I am so ready to get into Wyatts room and help him clean and organize it. I have some ideas of what I want to do with it. Problem is I have been in so much pain this last week. I have some wackadoo shoulder that is hurting like crazy. I think I would rather be in labor having a baby because it would be over by now. I am a total wimp. No pain tolerance. Today I finally went to the dr and got some good medicine and I am hoping to finally get some sleep. See that is one reason I never would have made it as a pioneer, no good drugs for pain. I am blessed with great kids who have helped me out as I whined about hurting.

Today I had a friend that I met in the 3rd grade come to Scottdale for a visit. She asked if I would be able to meet her for the day at the resort she was staying at. I was excited to see her but almost cancelled because I was hurting. I went anyways and had such a nice time visiting with her, sipping Pina Coladas by the pool and having lunch together. It is so nice having friends that no matter how long you go without seeing each other, you can talk for hours with out coming up for air. We had so much fun talking about life and old memories. Can you believe we forgot to take a picture. Dang I hate forgetting to take pictures of fun memories.

Great kids, good friends, and pain medicine makes for a good day.


Papa Says said...

Hope your shoulder feels better. Did he give you any suggestions as what the problems is. Physical therapy could help or a chiropractor.

So who was the friend? Anyone I would remember?

Paula said...

You are right about friends! Julia was here in town for a week and got to go to Chris Sugar's and Justin Matheson's wedding receptions. She was welcomed by friends she hasn't seen since graduation with open arms. I told her that's what true friends are. When are you planning on a trip out this way again? I would love to see you.