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"You can't run away from trouble, there ain't no place that far"


Thursday, August 11, 2011

sweet 17


• already has one foot out the door
always determined to get what she wants
• dependable
• stubborn as all heck
•loves to plan
• knows how to sweet talk her dad
• can't wait to be 18 and graduated
•sings at the top of her lungs
•loves practical jokes
• can be a total pain when she wants to be

and I would never have survived this week without having her here.

She sure knows how to help out her mama when she's disabled.
She never minds driving her brother and sister around.
She jumps at the chance to run to QT for me.

Not even just this week, she is always willing to help.
This week I just especially appreciate it because she is not just doing things because she wants to, she's doing it because she has to because I can't, and she hasn't complained one bit.

 I ♥ Sam! 


Rachel said...

I love her and keep trying t get her to move in with me.

Papa Says said...

One special girl with some specials gifts. How lucky for you!