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"You can't run away from trouble, there ain't no place that far"


Friday, June 22, 2012

not giving up

"Lazy Dayz of Summer!" 

Why has my brain and body decided to rebel against this saying?   Seems pretty simple but yet I have only slept in a few days this summer vacation.   Yes I set my alarm every other day for 4:45am to get up and run and for some strange reason my body actually gets out of bed to run.   Even the days I don't run I am waking up way to early for summer.    I do sleep in a little on the weekends thank goodness.  
Running has been going ok.  Ok as in I haven't giving it up yet.   I am not trying to run long distances, which is great because I can't.   I do run 2 miles, sometimes 2.5 miles and if I am lucky 3 miles without stopping to walk.   Can you believe it?   I don't walk any of it.   I run the whole stinking thing.   Well it's more like a run/jog but I don't walk and I haven't given up ANDDDDDD I do it at the crack of dawn.  I have shed alot of time off my mile pace in the last few months so that makes me happy.   That means I am actually burning more calories, and getting home faster. 

Now here is the kicker.   I have started going back to the gym at night too.  Gasp!   What the heck, right?  I am supposed to be sleeping in and staying up late eating ice cream and more ice cream, but there is some workout demon that has gotten ahold of my brain and I have not been able to get rid of it.   Not a bad thing I guess.   My jeans still fit, I have more endurance than I have had in a long time, I still get tired (need to get my thyroid nodule under control) but for the most part it has been a good thing.   Go figure, excersise has been good for me.   Maybe it is my control issues, but I refuse to let lifes struggles make me fat.   I can't say in a few years that I am fat because of challenges in my life, that would be stupid.  I would be fat because I chose to let myself be fat.  I can't do it.   I would rather control that part of my life then let it control me.     So I am choosing to make my weaknesses my stregnths and make me physically and mentally stronger.    Wouldn't it be fun to have a picture of me running to put with this post?   Heck No!  There is a reason I get up early to run, it is so nobody sees me.   So for now you can use your imagination (and make it a good imagination please).  

So that's my not so lazy update on my running.  

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