Today I was able to enjoy a 4 hour nap with Thayne. I remember when my kids were little we would have to take a quick nap when our kids would nap after church. We would sleep until we heard the little chatter of the kids and even though we didn't want to get up we knew we had to. We would then say, "I can't wait until our kids are older and we can sleep as long as we want". We reached that goal along time ago but today I thought back to what it was like to have a timed nap and I appreciated my 4 hour nap a little bit more.

I wish. Our church time is such that I never nap on Sunday anymore. It stinks.
Rest on Sunday???? Boy, you must be good.... I live the no rest, "on Sundays", for the wicked............ at least 2 to 3Sunday's a month.
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