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"You can't run away from trouble, there ain't no place that far"


Thursday, December 8, 2011

3 celery sticks

A mom being as creative as she can to make every crumb of food in the house stretch to feed her family.  2 eggs to feed a family of 4 for breakfast.   Not one morsel going to waste.  They were hungry all the time, never enough to fill their bellies.   The mom open the trash one day to throw something away and saw 3 celery sticks in the trash.   She was upset that someone was wasting 3 celery sticks.  That may not seem like a big deal to most, but to her it could not go to waste when they were always hungry.  She took the celery out of the trash and washed it.   
***** This was a Dr Oz episode I watched this week.  You may have seen it too. *****

Another mom cleaning the kitchen walked to the trash to throw some paper away when she sees half of a breakfast burrito in the trash.   On a normal day she would be bugged at the waste and roll her eyes, but nope not today.   The 3 sticks of celery flashed in her mind.   The thought of a family somewhere who would be thrilled to have a half of a burrito to feed their kids breakfast before they left for school.   Seeing cereal bowls with milk still left in the bowl just sitting on the counter, and the thought of the kids who had almost no milk in their cereal because there was not enough milk in the house and they would be without milk for 4 days.   This mom heard her husbands voice in her mind from just this last Sunday saying "we waste too much food".    This mom has had a eye opening.  

When my little burrito tosser (i'm not mentioning names)
 came home from school I asked her why it was thrown away.  She said that they were leaving for school and she didn't have time to eat it all.   So I said then put it in a bag and freeze it for tomorrow.  She said "oh that's a good idea".  I invited her into my room so we could sit and watch the Dr. Oz show together and she could see how some families are living with so little food.   I think she learned a lesson.   This family just might do a better job at eating left overs and only making what we will eat.  

This morning after making Wyatt an omelet for breakfast, he ate breakfast and then headed for the shower.   I started cleaning the kitchen again and looked to see if I had another victim kid who was going to get to watch Dr Oz with me again.   He threw nothing away.  He ate the whole thing.   This mom smiled to herself and was happy that her hungry boy was fed and didn't waste. Ü

3 celery sticks was all it took to make this mom want to try harder to teach her kids to be thankful for what they have.  


Rachel said...

dangit I want a copy of that show.

laurie said...

this is a hard one for me. I am so on board with the wasting, bugs the crud out of me. At the same time, do I want them eating everything on their plate just so it isn't wasted?? I wrapped Bo's have eaten egg sandwich up after he left for school and put it in the fridge. Guess what he's having for breakfast tomorrow!

Papa Says said...

Strange I never saw this post and was cleaning out my mail and found it.
I even find dad and I do waste a lot of food also just because I make too much to start with. I need to focus on freezing food for a later day. Thanks for the reminder.