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"You can't run away from trouble, there ain't no place that far"


Monday, November 7, 2011

Sam is so "hoppy"

Winter Formal this year is "girls ask the guys".

Sam had a few obstacles that came her way when she was figuring
out who to ask and how to ask.
She thought she had it all figured out,
but once you open your mouth some friends steal your ideas.
Blah!   Girls are so dumb sometimes. 

So we came up with a new idea!

She decided to ask the same guy she asked last year.  They are great friends and have alot of fun together, not to mention that they look so stinkin cute together and he treats her really good.

So plan B...

Sam went a bought a baby chick.

she actually got 2, and so we are stuck with one.

I wasn't home when she took it over, but she put the chick in a box and made a poster board that said..
"this chick wants to go to the winter formal with you".
She had her name on the little food bowl so he knew who it was.

I was a little nervous and a little prepared for something coming back in a box that needed to be fed, and was thinking he may find a way to return the baby chick to us.

Nope not so lucky.

Tonight the door bell rang.  I opened the door to see this.

My first thought was that I was so glad that horse wasn't real.


Sam was already asleep so I woke her up so she could go to the door to see what she got.  I never noticed the sign said
"HOPPY" not "HAPPY".

Sam opened the box to find this cute lil thing.

Cute, right?

Tonight he sleeps in Sam's room and it didn't take her more than 10 minutes to be back in bed asleep. 

Winter formal = one chick and one rabbit

And to think we were down to just one cow. 


Rachel said...

so so cute. I would have cursed if Jake would have been given a chick. But it's a darn cute idea!!!

Shannon said...

Very cute ideas!

Nancy said...

Clever idea! and you got a wabbit and a future meal out of the deal :) Just kidding Sam.....