"MOM, the truck is out of gas. I guess you will have to take me to school tomorrow".
blah blah blah
I heading to bed last night completely set on taking the girls to school in the morning when I
decided to grab the keys to the "silver bullet" (name of the truck) and head to Circle K to get gas
for the girls to drive themselves to school in the morning.
I turned the key and the first thing I hear playing LOUD in the cd player is Justin Beiber Christmas.
Deciding to try to be cool or to some people uncool I drove all alone to Circle K listening to Justin Beiber
Christmas. As I pulled into the parking lot of Circle K there were 5 sheriff cars in the parking lot talking to a guy. I am thinking something big must be going down, but I needed gas so I pulled right up to a pump.
*** OK now try to visualize ***
I pull up in Thaynes big silver truck. I (me an old lady) get out of the big silver truck with Justin Beiber Christmas blaring on the radio. I look over and see all the sheriff's and the guy in question looking at me, and all at once they all smiled.
It was not the smiles of "hey baby how's it goin", it was a smile of "what is wrong with this picture".
Funny stuff I tell ya. I'm sure they got a good laugh, I know I did.

I want Justin Bieber christmas, is it any good?
Be proud!! You're as cool as you wanna be, even if they don't see it. I like his new Christmas song.
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