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"You can't run away from trouble, there ain't no place that far"


Friday, September 2, 2011

that's alot of poison

I don't mind the Arizona heat, in fact I kinda like it.

I wish there were more green hills and mountains to look at.

A beach within a few hours would be nice to have.

Winters are the best in Arizona.  Always perfect weather.

There are many things I love about living in Arizona.

There are a few things I don't like as much but deal with because the weather is great.

The one thing I hate, hate, hate about Arizona and is the only thing that makes me want to move tomorrow is finding this mama in my garage.

Wanna know what I am thinking about this?
Just throw all your Christmas boxes away. 

I can just imagine how many more of these suckers are in my boxes. 

It seriously gives me the creepy crawlies. 

So I keep telling myself.....

"self, scorpions are so much better than living in earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, snow and humidity."

I think I may need to repeat that over and over as I begin digging through
 Christmas boxes in a few months.  


Tammy said...

That is so gross! I hate those things too. They are pure evil!

Rachel said...

I am hyperventilating right now. I'm going to have to decontaminate your kids before they enter my house now. This is the most freakish thing I have ever seen!

Rachel said...

ok how did you kill it without the babies running? Did you just catch it?

Shannon said...


Papa Says said...

Ok, I just paid an exterminator for all our spiders, etc and I wouldn't even begin a project in that garage before I had it sprayed. Worth every penny.