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"You can't run away from trouble, there ain't no place that far"


Monday, September 19, 2011

back in the saddle

When school gets out everyday I feel like I am swinging from badminton to football.
I can't take all the credit of being at everything and getting kids to where they need to be,
Sam has been so great at helping with the mom taxi job.  When I am at Jess' games and
Wyatt has to be at football, Sam is always willing to help out. 

Jess is loving badminton.  She is learning alot and having fun.  She hasn't won a game yet,
but we have fun watching and she is having fun playing and that's what's important.
Let's not forget she is the cutest girl out there.

Wyatt had his 2nd football game on Saturday.   His first game was a night game and it was raining. 
Maybe I should rephrase that.... it was POURING!

this isn't Wyatt, but look at the rain.  Don't let the parents on the other side
of the field fool you, they weren't standing there for long.
First game they tied 0-0.  It was not a recorded game so they didn't go into overtime.

They won their 2nd game 14-12.

I am enjoying being back behind the camera.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Jess is so darn cute!! We need to come see Wyatt's game. Does Jess play at Campo?