Even if you can eat this whole thing in one sitting,
you just shouldn't.
Thayne and I went out last night for a late night ice cream run and we both
got a Sonic Blast. I got the Oreo and he got the Reeses.
I knew I was not going to finish all of mine so I got home put my left overs in the freezer,
CROSSED MY FINGERS it would be there in the morning.
Still not feeling great I was laying in bed and I asked Thayne to get my ice cream for me.
He walked back into the room and said
"sorry to have to give you the bad news, but"
NO need to finish I knew Wyatt had found that baby in the middle of the night and ate it.
Happens every time.
I guess I should think of it as a good way to diet. Boooooo!

So maybe you should buy a few extras and put them in the freezer with the kids names on them and a note on yours saying mitts off. He's a growing boy.
Wyatt is Chip. Stinkin' thieves!!!!
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