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"You can't run away from trouble, there ain't no place that far"


Friday, August 26, 2011

some days

I am thinking today is one of those days where you just
have to choose to laugh.

On top of other things that I had today and trying to get things ready for a quick trip to California this weekend,
Sam called from school telling me the truck wouldn't start.
Feeling stressed I grabbed a gas can, jumper cables and my stressed out self and started driving to the school.  
Have I mentioned it is so stinken hot here right now.
Half way there I just started laughing and thought this is what being the mom is.  I knew these days were gonna come and I was gonna be ok when they came.   So I called Thayne and double checked how to jump the car and felt better about the whole situation and knew everything would work out and we would get it fixed and home so we could leave for Ca. 
With a "we can do this" attitude I showed up smiling and saw Miss Samantha with her friend Deddrick who refused to leave her at school alone with a broken car. 
Love boys like that.  
He helped us  jumped the truck,  put all the jumper cables away for me,  took time to show me that him and Sam had on matching outfits, gave Sam a hug and all was good.

phone pics aren't the best, but so glad I got a pic of this.


Papa Says said...

Now that's a boy with good upbringing. I felt like I was having a flash back.

Shannon said...

Way to have a good attitude and cute picture!