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"You can't run away from trouble, there ain't no place that far"


Wednesday, August 31, 2011

It's all indoors

Finally one of my children took pitty on me and decided to play an indoor sport.  No sitting in the heat watching the games.

Miss Jessika is playing High School
Are you thinking what I thought? 
"There is really a High School Badminton team?"
Well yes there is.  I think it is the quietest game to watch.

She had her first games yesterday.
She didn't win any, but she is pretty good.  I was impressed.
She was the only kid with a cheering section.
  I mean really, do parents not think they need to be there?  
 Jessika actually had 3 generations in her cheering section. 
 We had great grandma, Mimi and Papa, and of course me.  Ü

The thing that is driving me crazy in taking pictures in the gym.  I can't ever seem to get it right.  I am hoping by the end of badminton season I have it all figured out and I get some good pictures.


Papa Says said...

I think she looks great. How long is the season?

Shannon said...

Awesome! My kids love to play Badminton.

laurie said...

awesome! And she looks super cute in her uniform.

Rachel said...

I love that she is playing this. She is so great!!