I'm sharing.
I know that sounds hard to believe to some,
but when I find something I think is pretty neat, I like to share.
but when I find something I think is pretty neat, I like to share.
Wanna know what it is?
It's ........
Hold your horses, I will let you know in a minute.
Hold your horses, I will let you know in a minute.
Have I ever mentioned that when I talk to people I like asking questions. I think it is fun to talk to people I don't know very well and ask them questions. I like talking to people and think its fun to always call them by their name, which is helpful if I don't know them and they are wearing a name tag. I always call cashiers by their name. It's amazing how much more friendly they become and how much more help you get. Go figure it is that easy.
Learning to have a conversation with people is not always easy. I get anxiety about it sometimes but I find if you just ask questions about them, the conversation just keeps going.
Why am I telling you this?
Don't get you panties in a bunch, I'm gonna tell ya.... in a second.
The other day Thayne and I were in World Market, it is a fun store to walk around. Thayne mentioned he wanted a tall table to use as a standing desk for his office at work. So I said, "really"? He said ya then I can stand and work. Hmmmm I can kinda see how that might be nice if you have to sit all day.
Yesterday while I was folding laundry, I had the news on and a story came on that talked about the government closing down (i'm not sure how many) alot of post offices across the country because they have just lost alot of business do to people communicating on the computer and with phones and have stopped sending hand written letters. I can't remember the last hand written letter I have sent in the mail. I remember when I was a teenager and there was no internet and the only way of sending a note to a friend was by writing it out and sending it in the mail. I was going through a stack of papers in my closet and found a card that Thayne had sent me when we were first married. It was hand written and mailed. It was so neat to have that memory and it brought back some good times that we had. I have to say it has a whole different meaning than just getting an email.
Why do I tell you all this?
Isn't it neat when something is thought about or talked about and then you come across something that relates to those thoughts or conversations. I came across something yesterday. Maybe you have already heard of this but it's new to me and I think it is gonna be a favorite of mine for now on.
Want to know how to have a good conversation?
Or now to remember someones name?
Or the benefits of having a stand up desk?
How about the art of letter writing?
What I am sharing is this new website I found and I think it is so interesting and fun to browse through.
So, here it is. I hope you enjoy it as much as I have been.
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